Status: online
Lina Okoro says:
Hey Samuel, I see you've been hanging out with the white kids lately.
Isn't our group cool enough for you?
I don't really care but don't come running back when they throw you away like trash.
Samuel Fonseka says:
Oi, that’s not fair.
I really like these guys.
You would too if you bothered to talk to them, skin's got nothing to do with it.
Lina Okoro says:
Whatever, I don't think I'd like them at all, they are just racist pigs.
Samuel Fonseka says:
Wow, who's the racist now!
Lina Okoro says:
I'm just worried about you.
I don't think you understand how horrible those boys can be.
One of them teased me about my accent and they always go on about
Australia being overrun by migrants and stuff.
Samuel Fonseka says:
They can be a bit stupid at times, but they're just joking.
You should give them a chance.
Anyway, can we catch up on the weekend?
I want to see you.
Lina Okoro says:
Oh, so you do still have time for me!
I guess I can squeeze you in.
Text me if you aren't too busy running round with the white boys
Samuel Fonseka is typing a message